Monday, July 1, 2013

Painting, Gluing, Crafting

This is how it all begins--cutting wood parts out of long rough-sawn boards and sanding.  Then the parts get painted, stained, assembled, and decorated.  

Little wood parts become ornaments like this Angel Baby.

These Folk Art Angels aren't finished, but will have a bow around the candle cup and a flickering lightbult and dotted eyes.

Here are some finished nativities ready for the shops in Dillsboro and Franklin for the July and October tourist season.


Patti J said...

Beautiful! Lots of work that you can be very proud of!!!

Stampsnob. said...

Thanks for sharing this I am so much more clear as to what you are crafting ..Lovely little angels .....Lis

scrappymo! said...

Beautiful wee angels and I also love that shot of the finihsed set ready to go out to the stores!

katskards-1 said...

Oh WOW! Kren - these are fabulous - however do you find the time to make all these? Are they your own designs? Good luck with the sale K x

ladyjanet_56 said...

These all look great I love the feel of wood don't you? I too love the angel's but it's too early to be thinking of xmas yet we are still trying to get a proper summer in the uk:) Janet

Suman Pandit said...

Really lovely work, the nativities set are superb!

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