Saturday, April 16, 2016

Joy Fold Fun

Fancy fold cards are always fun to make.  The recipient is sure to be impressed with a joy fold card.  Join us at the MFPS blog challenge this week  and show us your joy fold cards.


Vickie Y said...

Cute card!

Stampsnob. said...

Good image choice for this fold ...Lis

Gail said...

I like this fold so much I cut a bunch out and are ready to create cards and I made several as well - lovely card you have there - rib-bit!

jimlynn said...

LOL! LOVE that cute image! The look on the frogs face is priceless. Cute, cute, and fun card. Love the fold on here too.

NanaConnie said...

Fab coloring, Kren! Love the fancy fold. In case you didn't see my welcome message on the MHK Designs FB page, the reason you couldn't leave a comment yesterday was that Mynn hadn't yet accepted your request to join. You should be able to do that now. :-D

A Walk in Winter

  We've had some pretty gray and cold days recently in Florida.  We even had snow in Pensacola which is unusual.  I can attribute this A...